Year in year out, the first spring sun pointing its nose announces the start of the new rhubarb season with all its delicacies. Since rhubarb is an easy-to-grow vegetable, we can find it in a lot of kitchen gardens. Probably a lot of people are even harvesting this gorgeous plant at this very moment. It is ideal to use in all kinds of delicious dishes like pastries, compote, relish or jam.
Rhubarb is such an essential part of our Belgian cuisine that we would almost think that it’s been grown here for centuries. Nothing could be further from the truth, since rhubarb has arrived from Asia. The Chinese brought it along and it’s only been a good 100 years that rhubarb is actually grown in the lowlands.
Maybe you have some rhubarb in your own kitchen garden? Or maybe it brings back sweet memories about your granny’s rhubarb jam or pie? Our grandparents made rhubarb wine of it. They inspired us to create the Kiss My Rhubarb, our aperitive with rhubarb being one of the key ingredients