Shared passion by Kiss My with Heine Max Olesen (co-founder and partner of Seaman Chips)

In honor of passion, we paint the picture of craftsmen just as excited as we are about their daily activities.



Heine Max Olesen

Heine Max Olesen is founder and owner of Seaman APS.


Some of his greatest interests and passions are the sea and his hometown Grenå, 8500, Denmark.


For the past 7 years, he has been working with seaweed as a food source. It started with the development of seaweed pesto and quickly grew into various other seaweed products. All of this under his former company, named Nordisk Tang.


However, he always kept on dreaming of developing a snack made of seaweed. His former partners at Nordisk Tang did not agree with his dreams, so he left Nordisk Tang and started Seaman.


Currently, Heine Max makes super crispy and delicious chips based on seaweed and potato, which come in 3 flavours; West coast sea salt, Squid and pepper and Lobster and bell peppers. In addition to the crispness and the unique flavors, He wanted a story to go with the  product. The story of this little crazy sailor with tattoos already contains a dose of love and humor. Pearlfisher. has been super good at embracing and telling this story through the unique bag design.


The company’s base is still at the port of Grenå, although recently a part was moved closer to the manufacturer of their chips; OK Snacks.


Heine Max is married to Anne and together they have 4 boys aged 3-9 years.


1. Seaweed is not a common food source. What motivated you to incorporate seaweed in a healthy snack and to make your career out of it?


In a collaboration with the local Kattegat center and their ocean biologists, I became aware of the seaweed’s enormous qualities and quickly fell in love with this untapped resource beneath the ocean’s surface.

From my first seaweed pesto, I knew this was a calling. Developing opportunities with seaweed, have filled large parts of my life in the past 7 years and will continue to do so in the future.


2. The beloved Nordic sea, Grenå, Denmark


I was born and raised in a fishing village and have spent a lot of time with my grandfather at the harbor and on his boat. It has given me great joy and many good memories of the harbor and the sea. Therefore it was no coincidence that my first entrepreneurial activity was a local fish business that I ran together with a childhood buddy. The sea gives me great peace of mind, that is also why I made the decision to intertwine the sea with my professional life.

At my office, I look out on the the same harbor that has had given me those memories. Nostalgia of my grandfather and childhood. Today I find the greatest joy and tranquility on my paddle board, in the hunt for the world’s best bladderwrack, from the coast surrounding Grenå.


3. Do you have any advice for people who are thinking of foraging along or in the sea?


There is a world to be explored beneath the surface of the ocean.

My best advice would be to be curious and inquisitive.

Follow your heart and think of the possibilities rather than the limitations.


4. Who would you most like to go for a drink with?


I would like to be able to share a draft beer with grandpa and tell him about my adventure and how he inspired me.

Unfortunately, he is no longer among us, so if it were to be a living one, I would choose one of my idols from the world of sports.

Diego Maradona or David Beckham.


5. What is your favorite season and why?


I love summer and all its opportunities for outdoor activities with the kids and friends. I am a free soul and I’m at my best in shorts and t-shirt.



6. What makes you truly happy when going out for dinner?


I love tasting new things and being inspired by creative thinkers.

Besides the food experience, I really appreciate good service.


7. Surrounding yourself with nature is just fantastic, where is your favorite outdoor spot?


The north coast of Djursland. Here I harvest seaweed on my paddleboard and as previously mentioned, it is my heimat.


8. Zero waste is a big selling point of seaman chips. How do you extend this in your daily live.


I am a big protagonist for recycling, at home and in the company.

We try to educate our children in the same spirit and try to recycle as much as possible and reduce our waste following the strictest rules.

At seaman, we support the organization “no plastic in the ocean” and our bags are made with the least possible content of plastic. This is something that triggers me a lot and I am constantly in search for new and better materials.


9. Do have any other great passions you want to share?


Besides my passion for the sea and seaweed, I am a big sports fan.

I have played football at an elite level and today I enjoy, crossfit, fitness and playing tennis.

Being the best possible father I can be has also become on of my biggest passions.